Gary Davies - About me
After a long, diverse and successful career in marketing, leadership, education, and writing, I am now able to spend as much time as I want playing the guitar and taking photographs. Recently, I have returned to writing about some of my passions purely for my own pleasure and enjoyment.
I'm a keen photographer, and I'm always looking for creative projects and themes that interest me; such as photographing interesting people, places and things. Because I love the guitar, some of the "things" I like to photograph are electric guitars. So if you own one or more interesting instruments, or you do something unusual and photogenic as a job or hobby, get in touch and I might be able to capture some images of you or your instruments.
I also love travel and experiencing different cultures, and over the last few decades my wife and I have visited numerous countries all around the world. Some of my overseas trips have enabled me to meet many of the people I have written about in one of my books ANNIVERSARY STRAT, which shares plenty of stories about some cool Fender Stratocaster guitars and the very talented master guitar builders at Fender's Custom Shop. While our travel was put on hold for a couple of years because of the Coronavirus pandemic, I am glad to report that we are now traveling widely again both within the UK and overseas.